Sunday, 23 November 2014

What is Combined bill of lading? How does combined bill of lading work?

What is Combined Bill of Lading / Multi model Bill of Lading?

Some of the traders in export and industry are confused with this type, Combined Bill of Lading.  

As you are aware, all exporters are not situated near seaport or air port. Most of exporters are situated at different locations in inland points of each country. So, government of each country makes arrangements to complete necessary legal export customs formalities at different inland locations of country to facilitate exporters for smooth handling of exports.

So,if the exporter’s location is away from the loading port, he can move the cargo to nearest Container freight station (CFS) to complete necessary export formalities. If a cargo is shipped from a CFS, goods are moved from CFS to nearest sea port after customs clearance.

Once after completion of such export customs formalities by shipper, the carrier accepts goods at exporter’s location and issues Bill of Lading. Here the carrier moves cargo either by road or rail to nearest sea port and ship via sea to final destination.

Here the carrier moves cargo by using two or more modes of transport between the port of receipt of goods and final destination. So, if a carrier uses two or more modes of transport, the shipper obtains a Combined Bill of Lading. In a combined bill of lading, carrier uses more than one mode of transport to reach the goods to final destination.

Are combined bill of lading and multi mode bill of lading same? 
Yes, multi mode bill of lading and combined bill of lading are same.

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