Sunday, 23 November 2014

Difference between EGM and shipping bill

  • What is EGM? 
  • How does EGM work?
  • What is shipping bill? 
  • Explain the mechanism of shipping bill process.  
  • What are the difference between Export General Manifest and Shipping Bill?

EGM means export general manifest which has to be filed by shipping carrier of goods, once after ‘export’ takes place. Shipping bill is the document to be filed by exporter or his authorized customs broker with customs at the time of export.
  • How does shipping bill work?

Shipping bill filing is mandatory for any exporter when moving goods out of country. Shipping bill is a legal document to be filed with customs to complete necessary export customs formalities of country to move goods out of a country. Shipping bill along with other required export documents is filed by exporter or his agent. After completion of necessary customs formalities, a ‘let export order’ is obtained in shipping bill. Shipping carrier can move goods only after obtaining such let export order as a proof of completion of customs procedures under the said shipment.
  • What is EGM? 
  • How does an  Export General Manifest work?

Once after moving goods out of country, filing of EGM by shipping carrier is a legal requirement. After sailing vessel or aircraft crossed respective country’s territorial border, the shipping carrier files with customs, the details of shipment moved out of country based on the details of shipping bill. This EGM is one of the proofs adopted by customs department for exports. The customs department releases export promotion copy of shipping bill (EP copy of shipping bill) to the exporters, on the basis of such EGM filed by shipping carrier of goods. Export promotion copy of shipping bill is one of the documents accepted as proof of ‘Export’ by various government agencies to extend various export benefits to exporters.

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