Sunday, 23 November 2014

Surrender of Bill of Lading Some facts

  • How to surrender Original Bill of Lading?
  • What does the term ‘surrender of Bill of lading’ mean? 
  • How to surrender original BL? 
  • Why is there no original bill of lading along with import shipping documents? 
  • What is the advantage of surrendering original bill of lading?

Procedures to surrender Bill of Lading

If a shipment is not under the terms ‘Documents against Payments’ or under Letter of credit,  most of shippers do not send original bill of lading to buyer but surrender original bill of lading after releasing with carrier. Surrendering procedures of bill of lading simplifies the mechanism of transportation procedures.

Once after completion of export customs formalities, the shipper hands over cargo to carrier to move final destination.  After receiving cargo by carrier, bill of lading is released after collecting necessary charges if any from shipper.

If the shipper wants to surrender original bill of lading, he can submit all originals with a request letter   to the carrier of goods with necessary  OBL surrender charges if any. Once after receiving original Bills of lading which carries normally three originals but in some cases five, the carrier arranges to send a message to his counter part at destination port stating that OBL surrendered at origin port and the consignee may not be insisted to produce original bill of lading at the time of delivery of cargo.  So the carrier at load port advises his office at destination port to release goods to consignee without original bill of lading.   A copy of such message is sent to the shipper also as a proof of surrendering OBL.

Shipper in turn, sends across the said release message copy to his buyer for smooth delivery of goods without insisting for Original Bill of Lading.   

The consignee at destination port takes delivery of goods by obtaining delivery order from carrier after verifying the identity of consignee.

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